19 Feb 2008
About Michelle Stanley
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Michelle Stanley |
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First and foremost, welcome to my site. I realize that your time is valuable and if you’re spending it here, I am grateful..
I also realize that if you’re here, you’re probably looking for a real way to profit online. My intent is to illustrate just that, in a straight forward way... tell you a little about myself.
."I Was A Successful But Bored Sales Representative. I Hated Waking Up To The Sounds Of My Alarm Clock. I Figured Out, After Working A 10 Hour Day( including traveling ), I Only Had 6 Hours To Myself. Most Of Which I Spent Brain Dead In Front Of The TV ( In sales it takes a lot away from you mentally, as you are always thinking on your feet all day). I Lived For The Weekends. "
"Although, I Was Never Short Of Money. I Was Trading My Time For Money. Time Is The Most Expensive And Valuable Commodity, As You Can NEVER Get It Back. The More I Earned, The More I Spent. I Also Knew That The One Goal Of Living Abroad One Day, Was Looking More And More Bleak For Me. I Needed To Find A Way Out Of The Rat Race And Fast Track Myself To Financial Freedom...After My Failed Attempt, At Network Marketing ( the type of network marketing you should avoid at all costs) I Discovered The Internet And Online Marketing. A Business That Sells For Me..So I Don't have To And Runs, Virtually On Autopilot, From Home, Earning Me Both The Money And Time, I Desperately Needed. Oh, I Almost Forgot To Tell You.This Business Comes With Your Very Own Pa. The Beauty Is Your Pa Gets Paid, Only When You Do!! This Is A Business That I Can Continue Anywhere In The World. So It Meets All My Goals!!"
There Is No Other Business Online
That Gives You All Of These Benefits And Can Truly Earn You A Multiple Six Plus Figure Income.. With Such Ease!
My Story

My name is Michelle Stanley, I am as regular a girl you would ever meet, just with a huge passion to make the best possible life for me and those around me. I'm 35,currently single living in London, UK with Obi and Jim Jim ( my two moggies rescued recently from The Dogs and Cats Home, Battersea).
I love personal development and reading books that challenge my thinking or just hanging out with friends. I love going to the gym and go 3 or 4 times a week.
I was fortunate enough to have discovered YourNetBiz and live a wonderful and fulfilling life.
To be honest, one of the best things about this business is i have made some amazing friends and really enjoy working with people all over the world!
Before entering the world of home businesses, i was a Sales Specialist Representative on a great income. Rewind back to 10 years ago..... I was an IT recruitment consultant working for several top firms. I was in my mid twenties, earning a six figure income. Driving fast company cars. Again, I was always the number one recruitment consultant in every firm within 6 months. I worked very long hours and didn't see daylight at all, Monday to Friday...sad really.
I thought a change of industry ( move from IT recruitment to pharmaceuticals) was what i needed. I thought i needed a work life balance, so i happily traded part of my huge income for more time to live life (see above). 10 years later, i realized, I was bored of sales. I was bored of selling for everyone else and only getting a fraction of the profits and a slice of what i use to earn in IT recruitment. Selling to me, is easy. I cracked it in two different tough sales industries. I had nothing else to prove to anyone or myself.
Funny How You Notice The Big Things When You Take A Good Look
I wasn't happy. I hated waking up to my alarm clock and I hated the fact I lived only for the weekends. I also one day would like to live abroad. Funny thing is, many people who live in hot climates normally do not get to appreciate the weather or the beautiful country they live in. Why? Because they too have a time shortage. They work even longer hours than we do. They trade time for low pay. Tragic really.
I noticed many big houses on my way to work. Houses i passed every day, but didn't notice before. Houses with large drive ways enough space for 8/10 Cars. Houses with triple garages. I thought how on earth are these people affording mansions like these, when i can't? I asked myself this...What do THEY do for a living? I bet it isn't working for a company. I bet THEY own companies, not work for companies. I also knew that this meant they were using people like me, to make them money. I understood later that they were perhaps leveraging myself and others to give themselves MORE money and MORE TIME!!
I knew that's where i needed to be. Although, I was never short of cash, I was living from paycheck to paycheck. I spent every penny i owned and then when my cash ran out, i would utilize my massive overdrafts the banks so kindly gave me, because i had a huge income. Once that ran out, i would utilize the massive credit limits on all of my cards, the huge credit limits that were kindly given to me because i earned a fantastic income. Lets just say, I'm a typical woman and love shopping ;o). It was only when i had maxed out all of my cards and bank overdrafts and every penny of my monthly income was accounted for, that i realized, I couldn't live like this any longer.
I wasn't getting any younger :0). My dreams were getting further away.
Network Marketing Companies To Be Weary Of
So I searched and searched and i joined a famous nutrition network company. After 6 painful months of my mentor, who by the way, had no clue what he was doing, nagging in my ears that network marketing was a numbers game and the reason i was not succeeding, was because i had not left enough flyers on peoples cars that day.
I remember thinking, i thought this business was a work from home opportunity? I'm never at home ....I'm either conducting home parties, dragging people i had begged to attend meetings etc etc.
Then i was forced to sell to friends and family. My dad once called me up and said " Michelle, please stop embarrassing me, by selling that 'snake oil' to the family". I gave up and was left with over 3K's worth of products in my cupboards. They were good products, but products that i had failed to market successfully. There is a clue there ;o), it was more because i had two battles on my hands. The first battle was the business. I figured, surely if i was putting flyers on bus stops and cars, i would only be getting the people who were out that particular day.
I knew as a sales person, something was wrong with that technique. Who was i targeting? How many of those people would really be out shopping that particular day at that particular place who would be interested in entering business or trying these nutritional products?
The second battle was my mentor. He cost me a lot of money due to his bad advice and training. He didn't have the communication skills, time or knowledge to train anyone. Most of all, i blame myself. I should have done more research into the business and my mentor. Another clue ;o). So by the time i found this business, i researched both the business and my mentor throughly.
Which brings us to the present day..
Today, I’m in a completely different place compared to a few years ago. I can honestly say that I love what I do each day! One of the great things about running a successful online business is that i can go to the gym, take weeks off at a time without answering to a boss or loosing money.
You can build this business around your current job, or looking after the children etc. Many of us have and many normal people like you and i will grab this opportunity with both hands and run with it. Will you? Or will you dismiss this genuine opportunity to make real life changing money, in the search for something that simply just doesn't exist? Then give up on the search, concluding that making money online just doesn't exit and go back to the life you so desperately want to change, while others make money, design their lives and live their dreams and build a secure future for themselves and families.
This quote was something i came across in a book i was reading at the time i was searching for answers. It was part of the turning point for me. I didn't want another 5 years to go by and i was in the same place or worse....The quote i refer to is below. I hope it helps you the way it has helped me.
"Some people make things happen,
Some watch things happen, while some wondered what happened?"
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