19 Nov 2009

PostHeaderIcon Primo Vacations


Primo Vacations.. sister company of YourNetBiz created by Rob Hannley & Dave Garven has just launched Novemeber 2009. Primo Vacations is set to give all other Vacation Clubs and businesses a run for their money!

The Primo Vacation Mission statement is very simple:

Our mission is to continue to offer the absolute best value and unmatched service of any travel and vacations club available any where for any price, allowing our valued business associates to earn a substantial income while enjoying a new level of time freedom usually reserved for the very wealthy.

Not only is this product ridiculously valuable.. you can find yourself on a 5 star luxury island holiday from as little as $199 for a whole family for a week!!.. but you could also be earning whilst reclining on that sun lounger.
With the layout of this compensation plan you could find your bank account being deposited with $500 dollar commissions all whilst you’re there sipping on your Pina Colada.

To learn more about this awesome product and business opportunity click the picture above to be taken right to the Primo Vacations Blog.

*Please Note* All Platinum Associates of YourNetBiz get access to the Primo Vacations product and opportunity within their package. If you are toying with the idea of joining YourNetBiz and are unsure of which level to join then it would be wise to seriously consider the Platinum Package as you will be getting 2 businesses for the price of 1! Now that is value!

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Photobucket Purchase the YourNetBiz Platinum Package to receive Primo Vacations Travel Club FREE.

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