18 Jan 2010

PostHeaderIcon YourNetBiz | Is Your Net Biz A Scam?

Is YourNetBiz a scam? It sure is ..... if that is what you'd like it to be. Success for you in YourNetBiz, depends on many factors. So let's define what a scam means. Then we can define if YourNetBiz business opportunity is indeed one.

The definition of scam ( Consumer Fraud Reporting );

A fraudulent business scheme; a swindle. By "fraudulent", we include misleading, misdirected or exaggerated claims in advertising. For example, if you purchase a book that claims to provide you with clear, step-by-step plans to start a business that will make you wealthy; and you receive only

  • lists of references to government programs, or
  • general advice about how to start a business, or engage in a multi-level marketing or pyramid scheme; or
  • the price for the information is clearly disproportionate to it's worth (such as lists that are publicly available for free elsewhere);

any of these meets our definition of a scam. And , we believe, most people in these situations would feel scammed!

Another example of a scam is the "free book offer", in which the victim is asked to "only pay shipping and handling"; only to find out that other more expensive items were also purchased "on trial", and these will be billed to the victim's account if they are not returned under certain conditions (within 30 days, in unopened condition, etc.). This condition may or may not have been disclosed in "the fine print"; it is a scam because the intent was disguised, hidden, or obfuscated from the victim in some manner (small print, hard to get to web page, etc.)

So is YourNetBiz a scam?

Well, that will depend on which mentor you join as some will fabricate what you can achieve.

Some mentors will state that you only need to work a 2 hour day within Your net biz. This is not completely true. It will take a lot more hours at the begining to set up your YourNetBiz business. It will also depend on your previous experience because if you have had hardly any computer experience, you may need to spend longer learning some basic computer skills.

Some mentors will state that you will be given, a step by step guide within YourNetBiz. Many YourNetBiz mentors do not provide this and some do. Look at the informational sites they give you before joining them. Have they put in the effort in providing you all the information about YourNetBiz? This site has a wealth of information, if it hasn't been provided by the sources you are looking at.

My FREE 30 page YourNetBiz report will provide a wealth of further information ( put your name and email in below, to receive your free copy ).

Your YourNetBiz experience, may be different from many other peoples YourNetBiz experience. I can say that some people are made for this business, while others are not. Some make fabulous mentors and do a great job mentoring and training there business partners. Other mentors do not.

I can also say with the right YourNetBiz mentor, information and the right attitude from you, your experience with YourNetBiz will not be a scam for you. YourNetBiz is a genuine business opportunity, which is mistreated by a few ill equipped mentors. Mentors who do not care about those people in their team. This is reflected by the preparation for those entering and then in the training given.

To have a good experience within Your Net Biz and join a top YourNetBiz leader, then Michelle Stanley is available for only a select number of individuals looking to earn a multiple six figure income.

To find out more about Michelle's background, click Michelle Stanley.

Want to view the backoffice of YourNetBiz then click YourNetBiz back office.

1. If You're ready to join YourNetBiz, in which case, click the join now image below and choose which YourNetBiz package you'd like to purchase (please note the Platinum package includes Primo Vacations - online premier discount travel club home business). So you get 2 businesses for the price of one.

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2. You'd like to know more information. You'll get my FREE 30 page YourNetBiz report, 7 day Show Me The Money video boot camp and you'll go straight through to visit the YourNetBiz tour. You'll continue to receive YourNetBiz and primo Vacations information from me. Does that all sound good to you? Just fill in your name and email below to receive all of the above :o).

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Gather The True Facts About YourNetBiz

WARNING: Do not start with YourNetBiz or any YourNetBiz mentors until you have read this site and read through my FREE 30 page YourNetBiz Report (please see immediately below). This site will reveal the truth behind YourNetBiz and what you are not told. Increase YOUR chances of making money online with YourNetBiz here.

*YNB = YourNetBiz

YourNetBiz Internet Mentor Michelle Stanley

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