27 Dec 2009

PostHeaderIcon YourNetBiz - Want To Make Money In YourNetBiz? Read Truth Before Joining

YourNetBiz - Do NOT Join YourNetBiz until you have read the truth. Get the full truth about YourNetBiz as Top YourNetBiz leader Michelle Stanley tells you what the other YourNetBiz mentors won't tell you ...here.

What is YourNetBiz? -Previously known as MyInternetBusiness or MIB but changed it's name in May 2009. It is an online business training company. This means, members are supposed to get trained into marketing their business effectively online and are then able to mentor, new members entering into their teams to do the same. It is not always quite that simple as you will see by reading the rest of this report.

YourNetBiz Features - Two unique features are discussed below: (there are many more features not discused here, but are discussed in more detail in the free 30 page YourNetBiz report - please see at end of page, to find info about how you can get your FREE copy)

1. You can integrate a number of any other online businesses in conjunction with YourNetBiz. In other words, YourNetBiz has a back office enabling you to promote other business ventures alongside this home business. There are no online companies that I know of that allows you to do this.

2. This business has a Personal Business Assistant (PBA), which sells to and follows up your leads, so you do not have to. It means that while you are learning new skills and getting upto speed there is someone there to tell and sell on your behalf. It also means you never have to sell if you don't want to. PBA's get paid when someone joins your team, if they have helped get that sale. The choice is yours to use or not use your PBA.

What you get with YourNetBiz -

1. 1800 downloadable products all with various rights to either sell or repackage but all usable by the owner. This means that the member has access to training at his or hers fingertips.

2. Live training and recording online marketing training.

3. Primo Vacations Travel club - allows access to cheap holidays (Platinum associates only)

4. Updated training and ongoing information or updates at no extra cost. This keeps your business live and moving as the industry changes or new marketing techniques are realized.

So far so good. Sounds like YourNetBiz is a winner to most looking in. This business however, does not do everything it says it does on the tin.

Your chances of success with YourNetBiz very much depends on the team and mentor you join. Joining Michelle Stanley's team is the most successful team within YourNetBiz. Every member joining Michelle's team will get FREE access to an additional team training site. This additional team support gives you free additional training and insights to what makes that team so successful.

Making money online is easy with YourNetBiz when you join with the right mentor. There is a vast array of training in both YourNetBiz and the team's training site back offices, Michelle's guidance will guide any new member through the correct procedure to making lots of money online. This home business is a solid business with all the information for any beginner to succeed online. But it takes a good mentor to guide you through the vast amount of information to succeed and make money online the quickest and easiest way possible.

Every Platinum sale within your business, will earn you $2,000. Plus $500 for every Platinum sale that new member brings in. You can see how quickly you can make a huge six figure income.

For anyone looking to make fast money in YourNetBiz or looking for a get rich quick scheme with this business, will be disappointed. It is possible to earn a six figure income, with the right mentor within six months.

You do not necessarily need experience to be successful in this business. You need the drive, belief, determination and discipline to succeed and learn the steep learning curve needed to make a huge income. It's not hard to learn the information. It's not rocket science and anyone with or without qualifications can succeed if they focus in the right team.

Want to find out more about Michelle Stanley?

Want to know more information? See a more detailed YourNetBiz Review/Facts and view the YourNetBiz backoffice. Click YourNetBiz Review.

If you know what you want, click one of the two choices below;

1. You're ready to join YourNetBiz, in which case, click the join now image below and choose which YourNetBiz package you'd like to purchase (please note the Platinum package includes Primo Vacations - online premier discount travel club home business). So you get 2 businesses for the price of one.

sign up


2. You'd like to know more information. You'll receive Michelle's FREE 30 page YourNetBiz report, 7 day Show Me The Money video boot camp and you'll go straight through to visit the YourNetBiz tour. You'll continue to receive YourNetBiz and primo Vacations information from Michelle. Does that all sound good to you? Just fill in your name and email below to receive all of the above :o).

If you enjoyed this post and found it useful, others might too. You can share it by clicking the share button immediately below. Thank you :o)

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Photobucket Purchase the YourNetBiz Platinum Package to receive Primo Vacations Travel Club FREE.

Gather The True Facts About YourNetBiz

WARNING: Do not start with YourNetBiz or any YourNetBiz mentors until you have read this site and read through my FREE 30 page YourNetBiz Report (please see immediately below). This site will reveal the truth behind YourNetBiz and what you are not told. Increase YOUR chances of making money online with YourNetBiz here.

*YNB = YourNetBiz

YourNetBiz Internet Mentor Michelle Stanley

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