8 Jan 2010
YourNetBiz.com | Skyrocket Your Net Biz With Top Leader Michelle Stanley
08:11 | Posted by
Michelle Stanley |
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YourNetBiz / www.yournetbiz.com can make you a fortune while you do other things. Your Net Biz is a 99% automated home business, where you can earn a minimum six figure yearly income, within six months.
Congratulations! As a top
YourNetBiz leader, (Michelle Stanley) I am giving you my free 7 day video boot camp - Show Me The Money. This is a great start teaching you the fundamentals to making money online. Many start affiliate marking but never make a penny because they never were taught how to market effectively. Sho Me The Money was designed to teach those looking to create wealth online, the best way to approach it. This course could take 6 - 12 months off your learning curve! (fill in name and email below for your free 7 day video series, hosted by me :o) )
In this post, I wanted to explain why working with me in YourNetBiz, will bring YOU lots of money and success online without you working for long hours.
Trading time for money is what I use to do and many other people still do at work. When you work for someone, you leave home and return 8 to 16 hours later, depending on the amount of time you work. During that time, work own you and you are not your own person, as you have a responsibility to carry out your contractual duties.
The current economy means many people are searching for ways to make extra cash, leave the rat race or replace their income. YourNetBiz with me as your mentor, is a great way to secure your future and create huge wealth online for both you and your family.
My training, support and friendship will give you something that other mentors won't. The support, skills and confidence that you will undoubtedly, earn yourself a six figure income within six months.
I had no experience in this type of business and I cetainly did not have any computer skills when starting out in Your net biz. I was trained by the top leaders in the home business industry. call it luck, but I was in the right place at the right time. You are too!
Joining myself means you will be joining the number 1 producing team in YourNetBiz. I will teach you ho
w to make a minimum six figure income or more, using a multiple income stream. I am one of few Your net biz mentors, who believes and was taught to put in place a multitude of income streams, however YourNetBiz is one of my main income streams. I'll teach you all this and you will gain access to our team training site, completely FREE.
To find out more about me, click Michelle Stanley.
What makes Your net biz 99% automated?
Your net biz have personal business assistants that you may use and do not need to pay, until they successfully generate sales for you. Personal business assistants will tell and chase and answer any questions, your prospects may have about the business.
This means you don't need to even be around to answer the phone and you can carry on living your life while your Personal Business Assistants do all the hard work for you. all you need to do is check your emails at some point, where you will be notified of new people joining your team. If you are anything like me, you'll get your mobile phone to automatically notify you when you have a new member instead :o)
YourNetBiz is of course an online business and therefore is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and even Christmas day, to be viewed by interested prospects.
The back office system of YourNetBiz, also is geared for automation. There are websites and tools which help your business to become automated.
Click the following to view the YourNetBiz review & backoffice
Initially , you will need to put in time to learn the skills required to become successful in Your net biz. It will take time to set up all your tools in order for your system to become automated. Once it is set up, it is there working for you on the internet consistently, without no further effort.
If you would like to view the YourNetbiz tour, then please fill in your name and email below to be redirected. You will automatically receive my FREE 7 day video boot camp and my FREE 30 page, Your Net Biz report.
If you enjoyed this post and found it useful, others might too. You can share it by clicking the share button immediately below. Thank you :o)
Congratulations! As a top

In this post, I wanted to explain why working with me in YourNetBiz, will bring YOU lots of money and success online without you working for long hours.
Trading time for money is what I use to do and many other people still do at work. When you work for someone, you leave home and return 8 to 16 hours later, depending on the amount of time you work. During that time, work own you and you are not your own person, as you have a responsibility to carry out your contractual duties.
The current economy means many people are searching for ways to make extra cash, leave the rat race or replace their income. YourNetBiz with me as your mentor, is a great way to secure your future and create huge wealth online for both you and your family.
My training, support and friendship will give you something that other mentors won't. The support, skills and confidence that you will undoubtedly, earn yourself a six figure income within six months.
I had no experience in this type of business and I cetainly did not have any computer skills when starting out in Your net biz. I was trained by the top leaders in the home business industry. call it luck, but I was in the right place at the right time. You are too!
Joining myself means you will be joining the number 1 producing team in YourNetBiz. I will teach you ho

To find out more about me, click Michelle Stanley.
What makes Your net biz 99% automated?
Your net biz have personal business assistants that you may use and do not need to pay, until they successfully generate sales for you. Personal business assistants will tell and chase and answer any questions, your prospects may have about the business.
This means you don't need to even be around to answer the phone and you can carry on living your life while your Personal Business Assistants do all the hard work for you. all you need to do is check your emails at some point, where you will be notified of new people joining your team. If you are anything like me, you'll get your mobile phone to automatically notify you when you have a new member instead :o)
YourNetBiz is of course an online business and therefore is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and even Christmas day, to be viewed by interested prospects.
The back office system of YourNetBiz, also is geared for automation. There are websites and tools which help your business to become automated.
Click the following to view the YourNetBiz review & backoffice
Initially , you will need to put in time to learn the skills required to become successful in Your net biz. It will take time to set up all your tools in order for your system to become automated. Once it is set up, it is there working for you on the internet consistently, without no further effort.
If you would like to view the YourNetbiz tour, then please fill in your name and email below to be redirected. You will automatically receive my FREE 7 day video boot camp and my FREE 30 page, Your Net Biz report.
If you enjoyed this post and found it useful, others might too. You can share it by clicking the share button immediately below. Thank you :o)
Making Money With YourNetBiz
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Gather The True Facts About YourNetBiz
WARNING: Do not start with YourNetBiz or any YourNetBiz mentors until you have read this site and read through my FREE 30 page YourNetBiz Report (please see immediately below). This site will reveal the truth behind YourNetBiz and what you are not told. Increase YOUR chances of making money online with YourNetBiz here. *YNB = YourNetBiz