25 Jan 2010
YourNetBiz | The Automated Home Based Business
07:35 | Posted by
Michelle Stanley |
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YourNetBiz is the automated home business choice. What is the point in starting a home business which keeps you tied to your home 7 days a week for 8 or more hours a day.
That to me is not a home business. To me it would be an office job at home and I would much prefer to go to the office and work for someone than to have the same contraints in my own home.
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on YourNetBiz automation.
Many people enter the home based business industry with the idea that they will spend more time with the family. This is true if your home business is automated and there is no such thing as 100% automation. That would be lovely. The best I have found it to be in YourNetBiz is 97% automation. Which is still very good.
Some people enter mlm industries ( YourNetBiz is NOT mlm) only to find that they are spending all of their time training new recruits, selling the business and chasing potential prospects.
With YourNetBiz most of all this training and selling, telling and chasing is automated for you.
The selling, telling and chasing of prospects is mostly done via Personal Business Assistants within YourNetBiz which frees up your time, to do as you please.
So while others are working their businesses around the clock you don't have too.
To find out more take the YourNetBiz business tour by filling in your name and email below.
There are many reasons to join YourNetBiz, but do your due diligence, gather the information required and then take action. There are pots of gold at the end of the rainbow and there are genuine leaders out there willing to help you succeed in YourNetBiz if only you would search for them.
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That to me is not a home business. To me it would be an office job at home and I would much prefer to go to the office and work for someone than to have the same contraints in my own home.
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Many people enter the home based business industry with the idea that they will spend more time with the family. This is true if your home business is automated and there is no such thing as 100% automation. That would be lovely. The best I have found it to be in YourNetBiz is 97% automation. Which is still very good.
Some people enter mlm industries ( YourNetBiz is NOT mlm) only to find that they are spending all of their time training new recruits, selling the business and chasing potential prospects.
With YourNetBiz most of all this training and selling, telling and chasing is automated for you.
The selling, telling and chasing of prospects is mostly done via Personal Business Assistants within YourNetBiz which frees up your time, to do as you please.
So while others are working their businesses around the clock you don't have too.
To find out more take the YourNetBiz business tour by filling in your name and email below.
There are many reasons to join YourNetBiz, but do your due diligence, gather the information required and then take action. There are pots of gold at the end of the rainbow and there are genuine leaders out there willing to help you succeed in YourNetBiz if only you would search for them.
If you are looking to join YourNetBiz and are looking for a top YourNetBiz leader with a No 1 producing team, then Michelle Stanley is available for only a select number of individuals looking to earn a multiple six figure income.
To find out more about Michelle's background, click Michelle Stanley.
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